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I wasn't either until I saw the piece on Nightline(I think it was)

Posted by Kristy on 12/9/2005, 15:40:48, in reply to "Re: What part does the WTO have in your thinking?"
It flabbergasted me that according to the report in 1976 when Congress approved the fast-tracking of trade agreements. That for all intents and purposes it gave up the power of voting on trade treaties. Since then our trade negotiators have had the authority to bargain in the name of our country and what they signed off on became trade law without Congress voting on the trade treaties. So now according to that news piece our trade negotiators are lobbying Congress under pressure from the WTO to allow more high tech workers into our country on VISA's granted by the WTO.---It reeks of a one world government thing.--Suggest you Google it if your curious as to what our government is up to with this.---I would find your thinking on this matter to be very interesting.


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