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actually I was referring to a different thread than the media one

Posted by Quiche Lorraine on 12/9/2005, 12:57:07, in reply to "Re: Great thread"
The thread questioning if we are morally obligated to intercede where there are dictatorships...where I responded with my opinion that we can't afford to get take on that task, it is too vast in my opinion. The original poster compared ignoring Saddam to "accepting slavery" (their quote - not mine). While I didn't agree with the analogy I said the ONLY thing Iraq/slavery had in common is we caused them....whooo boy, that led to Andrea playing the semantics card over the word "cause" and another person (can't remember which one at the moment as there are 2 people with similar names) asking if I actually support America because it doesn't sound like it (paraphrasing here). I didn't respond to that because I didn't feel like defending myself as I didn't feel it was a fair question....kind of like the old "when did you stop beating your wife?" Now to make a long post even longer :)...I think I typed that you cherry-picked a conservative website that was mad at CBS for cherry-picking poll numbers. The pot (the website) calling the kettle black. I didn't defend CBS, I personally think network news goes for whatever is gory or salacious for ratings. I also think if you had a staunch Republican and a staunch Democrat watch the same broadcast they would come away with different opinions. In my opinion (as in me, myself) I feel the media was standoffish with Bush until Katrina, and then it was a free for all feeding frenzy. I even noticed posts on the Drudge Report (definitely a right leaning website -but I like their headline format)questioning Bush's actions which was an absolute first. What I have seen lately is the media is definitely attacking Bush...once they have a hot topic they flog it do death, ADNAUSEAM -whether it is something as important as Iraq or completely inconsequential as freaking Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Like I said in an earlier post, I cringe when a political thread comes up...I'd rather see the posts encouraging someone going through a rough time or Sheri's pic of her little boy's smiling face with a big ole party hat, or find out about different authors (whoever posted about Robin Schoene - aye mami).


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