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Plantation based Slavery - 1st discussed/proposed by Sir Francis Drake in regards to ....

Posted by Mary on 12/9/2005, 0:05:51, in reply to "I'm not sure I'm following you"
economic advancement of a plantation based wealth. Sir Thomas More discussed the merits of dropping a war based slavery system for a more feasible and economically beneficial one...the african slave own and then you have a slave population from birth on.... these fundamental economic driven policies led to the success of a trade system between Africa and Europe which eventually became the Golden Triangle ships from Europe with money to Africa for slaves and some commodities, to Americas for sale of labor, bulk and finished goods to Europe for sale of colonial goods, repeat. When it was found to be unacceptable and with the success of the American Revolution slavery ended along with the Plantation system in Britain and Europe. The Americas maintained the plantation systems. In the US of A southern states economic system heavily invested in and dependent upon the slave based economy. That system as it was known failed with the end of the Civil War.


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