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Clarity forces me.., "it 's from Tom's lesson notes" .......

Posted by Mary on 12/8/2005, 14:19:09, in reply to "I think you're right"
we are off on a tangent from his opening facetious questions. But since we are following and truth....

I would modify your comments:

So what's the most important fundamental? Freedom and our Nation? Or a small number of lives lost (in relation to those living)? And who makes the decision where the priorities lie?


The most important fundamental is Freedom Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of a Happiness vs Loss of Life the one or the many. We are as individuals, communities, nations and humanity deciding it right here, right now, everyday.

I realize I am going deep with these answers but since all the topics seem to be bringing up truly life and death consequences I am trying to do my part to be as clear in my reasoning as possible. Still pondering the 2 challenges response aka his last line and question still hanging out there for answers.


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