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Another point!

Posted by Tracy on 12/7/2005, 14:13:59, in reply to "Help! Does anybody know..."
Something that has not been addressed is that there is a huge percentage of regular active duty military who have never been deployed. IMHO, every single person in the military should have to do a tour over there before any other group is called. I know this because a friend, who is a mid-high ranking Air Force officer has been easily able to avoid deployment since the war started several times. His reasons are his own and not something I want to get into. I don't agree with him but his reasons have nothing to do with being put in harm's way. He's done that repeatedly over the years. My point is that there is a large contingent of military on bases across the country that have not seen combat and therefore I agree with Tom on the commitment of Reserves and ANG being exploited. I believe they are sold a deal that involves aiding within our borders in times of need and internationally, perhaps, in times of emergency. Even in war if needed. But this is not war anymore..remember? This is a long term occupation that was ill planned and is reacting to consequences of that ill-planning. Regular military are committed to that, no matter the circumstances or their personal feelings on the conflict. National Guard troops are not. There are thousands of uses for them and I agree that they ARE commited to being called upon and serving. But not in the GD most volatile hot spot in the world where they haven't even been trained properly for the assignment.

As for this woman trying to "dodge" a deployment...well she's in good company. The most powerful man in our country did that at one time..didn't he?


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