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ONE DAY TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Tracy Y on 12/1/2005, 11:47:14, in reply to "You know Tracy...."
If I'd only thought of this yesterday, I could have copied and pasted my posts, and finished NaNoWriMo! Oh well.

Hey Pot - some other words for loquacious:
talkative, babbling, blathering, chattering, chatty, flapping, fluent, gabby, garrulous, gossipy, jabbering, long-winded, loose-lipped, motormouth, multiloquent, prolix, verbose, voluble, wordy, yacking, communicative, conversational, familiar, friendly, informal, intimate, loose-lipped, loquacious, spontaneous, talky, informative, candid, communicable, conversable, conversational, demonstrative, effusive, enlightening, expansive, forthcoming, frank, gushing, open, outgoing, talkative, unreserved, communicative, affable, easy, effervescent, effusive, extroverted, free, friendly, garrulous, generous, genial, gregarious, gushy, lavish, liberal, sociable, unconstrained, uninhibited, unrestrained, warm, fluent, articulate, cogent, copious, cursive, declamatory, disputatious, effortless, eloquent, facile, flowing, glib, liquid, mellifluent, mellifluous, natural, persuasive, prompt, quick, ready, running, silver-tongued, smooth, smooth-spoken, verbose, vocal, voluble, well-versed, wordy, jabbering, long-winded, loose-lipped, mouthy, prattling, prolix, windy, wordy, babbling, blabbermouth, Chatty Cathy, flap jaw, gabby, gassy, loose-tongued, motormouth, mouthy, prating, prattling, prolix, prosy, wordy, yaky, smooth-talking, all jaw, artful, articulate, easy, eloquent, facile, fast-talking, flap jaw, flip, fluent, garrulous, hot-air, insincere, loquacious, plausible, quick, ready, silver-tongued, slick, slippery, smooth, smooth operator, smooth-spoken, smooth-tongued, suave, urbane, vocal, vocative, redundant, bombastic, de trop, diffuse, extra, inessential, inordinate, iterating, oratorical, padded, palaverous, periphrastic, pleonastic, prolix, reiterating, repetitious, spare, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus, tautological, unnecessary, unwanted, wordy, big-mouthed, rattling, slick, excessive.


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