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Sympathy & righteous indignation!

Posted by annie on 11/29/2005, 2:15:34, in reply to "Incident at a Girl Scout function tonight"
I've not had anything as bad as the incidents you & Tracie describe, but similar things have happened over the years that I have done volunteer work.
What makes me angry is that people who volunteer their precious time (and emotional energy!) to give kids these experiences then end up in such difficult situations. And then people lament that there aren't enough volunteers & youth groups have to close!
And I bet the complainant's mum never volunteers or helps out - because if she ever had, she would approach this differently.
I'm also sure that the other parents in your troop will offer support that will help you feel better (as happened to me).
I'm thinking of you and hope it will resolve. I especially hope that you will be able to return to leading your troop. But I will sympathise (and so, I'm sure will the parents in your troop) if you don't want to put yourself in this position again.
Best wishes


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