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Look at how people treat their pets. It is very often an indicator of how they treat their children!

Posted by Kristy aka Cyber-Mom on 11/28/2005, 17:30:59, in reply to " Abused cheetah cubs protected by U.S. troops"
If you see people who abuse, starve and neglect their dogs. It is very often an indicator of how they are treating their children. Start noticing their children! If your 'gut' tells you that something is not right, please trust your instincts and call your local child abuse hotline.

This may seem extreme to many people. But calls to child abuse hotlines are kept confidential. They will not tell who reported what or when. The Holiday Season is really a hard time for stressed out families. Often a single child in the family will be the target child. They will be verbally and physically abused because parents cannot meet all of the unrealistic expectations of the season.

Please notice all of the children around you. If a family will abuse a pet it is very likely they will abuse one or all of their children.


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