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So we are at Airborne Scholl

Posted by tom on 11/27/2005, 22:45:11, in reply to "Tell us a story Uncle Tommy!"
and we are learning that the Army is way more uptight and the Navy. There is a long story--but the short story is that we wind up at this Captains' house drinking--lots--and his wife is having fun and we are having fun--well the two collide and a fight ensues--but the funny part is that I walk up to the very aggitated Captain an say,' Sir, it all good" we are in the van a few minutes later and one of my guys says--"sir, I have never seen someone tak a shot like that and not respond" I looked at myself in the mirror and immedaitely wanted to go back and fight---but apparently what had happened was this guy sucker punched me hard and I said--well we should go---I didn't even flinch--course I was unconcsious---but it became legend none the less


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