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Blowing Stuff Up (more or less directed at Tom)

Posted by kerrit on 11/22/2005, 19:17:56
Somewhere below, IIRC, someone asked a question like, why does EOD blow up the caches of stuff they find in Iraq and/or Afghanistan? I can't recall if this was answered, or if I missed the answer. C'est la guerre. I assume because the stuff is old and unreliable. Or maybe so it doesn't fall back into insurgents' hands. Am I on a right track?

However, I guess they don't blow up EVERYTHING they find -


Iraqi soldiers use insurgents' weapons. US troops refurbish AK-47s. We teach them how to clean & maintain the weapons, which are Soviet in origin. They, in turn, show us what to watch for in booby trapped weapons. Working together works.


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