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My dad was a WWII paratrooper!

Posted by Kim in CA on 11/14/2005, 1:50:44, in reply to "Role call of our fathers: How many of us are children of WWII veterans or veterans from other wars?"
Thanks to Major Michele, he now has a complete set of his medals! (She told me how to request them).
He was one of the first paratroopers. They had signed up 5,000, and were looking for more volunteers. He told me recently that he always yelled, "Geronimo!" when jumping out of a plane. He was action in Salerno, Anzio, and Tunisia. He was in for more than 4 years and got sent home near the end of the war with pneumonia. He still has a bit of PTSD (nightmares) even after more than 60 years, but generally has handled it okay.
My brother is a Vietnam era vet. He was in the Navy aboard a nuclear submarine. My mom said if he had to be in the military during that time, it was the safest place to be! His son also joined the Navy, and was in the first gulf war.
We have more military tradition in our family than I thought!
I'm so glad Dad is still alive, and has all of his faculties. He talks about the War now more than he ever did when I was a kid, so I've gotten to know more about the war, and about him in the last few years. I really credit Suz, her books, and this board for sparking my interest in my Dad's military service. I've videotaped him talking about it and want to put it in book form for the young'uns.


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