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My Dad was in the Korean War and Vietnam

Posted by Beki on 11/13/2005, 19:56:10, in reply to "Role call of our fathers: How many of us are children of WWII veterans or veterans from other wars?"
I almost didn't post because I don't know much about my Dad's experiences in either war since he was in Korea before I was born and my parents divorced when I was three. I got to know him later but we just never talked much about the wars although he loved Korean food and mentioned he got hooked on it while being there during the war---the hotter the better. : )

As for Vietnam all I know is that he worked in aircraft mechanics as part of a crew---after Vietnam he switched career fields to the Military Police. I met him after he retired from the Air Force and he was a Police Chief and a search and recovery diver. We mostly talked about his love of police work and his fascination with forensic science.


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