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YOU are on a roll tonight....Well didn't exactly get nekkie:)

Posted by Brenda/q on 11/10/2005, 22:47:39, in reply to "Story in there?"
it was more like....I went to the oldest pub in Ireland...down on the Quays...I think it was called the "Boar's Head" and it being one of my first nights there and not realizing that Guiness can actually kill you if you don't chew it the right way...I accidently got TOTALLY wasted...and decided it would be a GREAT idea to go swimming in the River Liffey....at midnight....during low tide....You ever see the River Liffey? It's a giant cess pool...YICK But alas, my friends Amy and John (who actually became my friends that night:) talked me out of it and got me on a bus to the Burbs where I was staying....Little tip here: DO NOT get on a double decker bus and try to climb the steps when you have chewed the Guiness and think it is a good idea to go swimming nekkie in the Liffey....Man that was a ROUGH ride!!!!! :)
and that is it...nothing to exciting...


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