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Wish you said this was on tonight!!

Posted by Kristy aka Cyber-Mom on 11/19/2005, 0:57:13, in reply to "Tom or anyone who happened to see the History chanel story.."
Would have made sure to watch it!--The Japanese were very good at psych. warfare. Also, consider that the prisoners were so very very far from any help they would have known about before they were taken prisoner. Held for years in physical isolation from the rest of the world. They would have had no way of being sure they were being lied to by their captors.....I think because Congressman Murtha did serve in Vietnam that he truly knows how evil war is. Iraq will have the kind of government it wants which is not necessarily the kind of government the U.S. wants. I think by staying we just delay the inevitable choices that Iraq will make for itself....I think the term "friendly fire" is most oxymoronic phrase ever invented. Death in a war zone is death. Who caused it is of no consequence. I think all deaths in war areas should be treated with the same respect. Whether a soldier is killed by the enemy or killed by a supply truck running over him. Their families deserve the same death/survivors benefits the same commendations because both are equally dead.


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