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I think what it means is that ....

Posted by JAKE's Gail TTG on 11/9/2005, 12:02:06, in reply to "okay, here's what I don't understand"
'we' don't hold your arms behind your back until they pop out of the sockets, snap them back in and then start over, 'we' don't pull your fingernails out by the roots, 'we' don't scrape the skin off the bottom of your feet before 'we' burn off your toes one by one, 'we' don't skin a nice tattoo off your body to save for later --- 'we'don't hang, shoot, stone or behead you in public.

I don't believe that any of the watered-down methods of 'torture' that might be going on behind closed doors by the US or the Collalition Forces is considered torture to the cultures on the receiving end --- if it really was do you think anyone would be allowed to whine about it and even dream anything would be done to change it .... I think that our culture is held in contempt because 'we' don't do these things ... and to that end I would have to agree that it doesn't work ...

but that's just my left-over Korea, Vietnam, military upbringing history ranting ...


Maybe we need a couple of new words for 'torture' as well as for 'marriage' to satisfy everyone :-\



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