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Tom, If you are taking a break

Posted by Lisa A on 10/28/2005, 16:29:39
from chapter seven , I have some questions please.

I know you have said you had wanted to join UDT and the recruiter told you EOD was the same thing. Would you tell us how you heard about UDT and why you wanted join?

Also, what type of course work does EOD require and how long does it take someone to be a qualified EOD person/operator? Is there a point at a certain year etc where skills are equal? What was your worst EOD (is that what you call them?)?

Did the parachutes you guys used have a weight limit? You were telling us how much you guys weighed with your gear and it made me wonder what their capacity was. What was the lowest altitude you ever jumped from? The highest? And which is more fun or scarier?

Did you guys have to be ready to operate within a certain time frame and were there different levels of readiness depending what team you were assigned, or what platoon within that team? Like did you know they are going to send those 16, or 32 gys before you and your platoon? Etc.

Did you ever tell us what your favorite ride …(chopper, aircraft, SDV, etc) was?


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Contact Donna if questions or concerns.