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Re: I doubt the veracity of that story

Posted by Stacy Lynn on 10/25/2005, 16:53:43, in reply to "I doubt the veracity of that story"
Also, in the army, if a soldier has been deployed to a combat unit then he/she will wear the unit patch on his/her right arm...left arm being the unit he/she is currently assigned to.

Also, medics, whether male or female, can be awarded the CFMB (Combat Field Medical Badge) depending if he/she served in an area and shot at.

Also, you might be remembering the big toodoo (sp?) during the Panama invasion in which a female MP led a raid (or something) and many people were wondering why she couldn't be awarded a CIB.

I don't think there are any other badges that are awarded for "combat" duty.


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