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Glad your package made it

Posted by Sheri on 10/23/2005, 18:45:59, in reply to "update - my adopted soldier and the cookies"
And I vote for the oatmeal raisin. The pb will melt.

Also, have you ever thought of making trail mix in small ziploc snack/sandwich bags. Just big enough to stick in a pocket. Using nuts/sunflower seeds and dried fruits and chocolate chips. You can use carob chips as well. My son can't have chocolate. The whole pt is to make it melt and clump together.

I've had a couple of hours to think about it since I read your post the first time :)

As for chocolate bunnies, prior to having children, I was the child with the big bag of cheesies, my bro was the one with the bunny - not kidding, Mom use to pack the baskets that way. My request. Since children, I finally get sugar cravings.



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