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Yet more Qs, Tom

Posted by Juliet on 10/22/2005, 12:04:50, in reply to "Re: Tom, Q's please ..about Waller's Hell Week Chapter"
Do you have any sense of *why* the Navy has problems with people wanting to change their specialties (not sure that's the right word)? Is it equally bad to go from, say, surface to submarine, as from EOD to SEAL-- or is it also an issue of going from conventional to Special Ops? Is it worse being an officer and switching-- because as far as I can tell, they get a lot of SEALs from enlisted sailors who were previously serving on ships. Are the other services more flexible, as far as you know?

I guess I'm wondering why, if use of commandos seems to be more appropriate in addressing terrorist and guerrila forces than conventional forces (which Doug Waller says) they wouldn't want to let more people who are qualified and motivated make that change.

Last (I promise :)), I know you've said that Delta Force does not exist. Was that a joke? Because Mr. Waller sure seems to believe they existed when he wrote his book. Did they become something else?



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