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POTC 2 story

Posted by Deborah on 10/15/2005, 13:02:12, in reply to "Re: COOL! congrats Ben!!! "
Did you read awhile back that there was some big bruhaha with the natives of the island that they were filming POTC2 on?

Apparently, there is a scene where Jack is being roasted alive over a spit (turning like a whole hog over an open fire) and one of the tribes officials was having a fit because it 'made them look like a bunch of cannibals!"

The rest of the tribe overruled him adn told him to basically sit down and shut up, that he was going to screw up the deal with the film company and they would take the production to another isle... and all their money with them. The indiginous people are trying to develop tourism and thought that the film would give the world a good look at their 'paradise'.... and here is this guy alienating the cast and crew and TPTB.

In real life, the people of the island weren't cannibals (per se), but they would take trophies. You could walk into their huts/homes and see a preserved leg or arm on the wall that was taken from a pirate 'back in the day'. (True)


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