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Coast guard tightens rules on Tatoos

Posted by Lilly on 10/15/2005, 12:16:03
SEATTLE - The Coast Guard has tightened its rules for tattoos for the first time in 30 years in response to the increased popularity of permanent body art.
The goal is a more professional appearance for the military branch that has the most contact with the public.
"The 1940s, party-hard sailor is not the image we're going for," Chief Petty Officer Keith Alholm, a spokesman in the Coast Guard's Seattle-based 13th District, told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

"Our standards dated back to a time when tattooing was restricted to a very small portion of society ... Consequently, there was little need to spell out, in detail, the dos and don'ts of body art," said Cmdr. Wayne Muilenburg, the Washington, D.C.-based chief of the Coast Guard's Policy & Standards Division.

Other military branches also have tattoo policies. The Army has long prohibited tattoos that show when the soldier is in uniform. Last spring, it also banned offensive markings "regardless of location on the body." The Navy also bars visible tattoos.

here is the whole article http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051014/ap_on_re_us/coast_guard_tattoos

Reminds me of a book where the hero had a Wren tatooed over his heart, call sign of his AF? girl friend- a Catherine Mann title? Anybody know?


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