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Follow me! so we are disposing

Posted by tom on 10/14/2005, 11:29:34, in reply to "Found a perfect shirt for Tom..."
all these old 5" rounds--each one weighs about 90lbs and we are doing about two dozen in a shot. We have three "holes" going. So we have about ten guys loaded the holes and putting on the demo. We were using these satchel charges that came with sensitized detcord--det cord with blasting caps attached--but they had a high misfire rate so we rarely used them--so, we were just cramming them in between the shells and making them go away too. so once everything is in place, everyone except the guys who are actually going to tie the active blasting caps into the explosive goes to the bunker so I am sitting happily by my hole filled with about 800lbs of explosives and I hear a bad noise--I look over and the stack of shells is moving and about to topple--all I can picture are the blasting caps getting crushed between the shells which could cause them to explode which would turn me into the dreaded pink cloud--so I dive to the ground and start crawling---about fifty feet later, I figure, well, no boom, the worst didn't happen, and stop crawling--now I had the middle hole---the guys on either side of me are down and crawling like the dickins...there words later were "Saw you take off at a low crawl--figured it was wise to follow suit."


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