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Librarians are people, too!

Posted by kerrit on 10/13/2005, 12:04:27, in reply to "Re "
And it can be a very stereotyped profession. I have yet to meet the skinny ol' biddy in a skirt and jacket, with hair in a bun, constantly "shushing" everyone! As I sit here in my jeans and sweatshirt (I'm technically technical services/cataloging), I can't think of a *favorite* book with a librarian as a heroine or central character. I know Nora Roberts wrote one, and I've read others, but nothing sticks out. A friend, romance author Maureen McKade (wrote some very nice romance westerns, if you want a recommendation!!) was always going to write one with a librarian as the central female, and I provided her with lots of notes, but I haven't seen the results of her work --- yet. :)


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