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Well we had these Iraqi prisoners

Posted by tom on 10/8/2005, 22:05:53, in reply to "Our pleasure would be..."
and---hmmm, probably better keep that one to myself---oh for cryin' out loud I was just kidding--October Fools!!!
Not a big April Fools guy--I guess--since I don't have a good story--but the best/worst April fools joke I witnessed was when in 2003. The war was on and we had people all over Iraq. So we are in the morning Commanders briefing--Captain Harward in Command--so, we go through the whole painful event--morning briefing that is---so Harward gets up and says is normal speil and then says that he has seen the new Admiral list and we should all put our hands together for Admiral X who was the deputy Commander---well this guy is beside himself and everyone in the room is thinking "Oh God I've been sucking up to the wrong guy" and Harward says---hey Intel, what day is it again?


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