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'close enough for government work' ;-)

Posted by Deborah on 10/8/2005, 12:33:05, in reply to "how real is real"
I've got a two man sniper team covering the op. Sent them in a few minutes before rest of team to give them time to get set up on other building/high ground.

I like the ASDS, that could make for some good silent visuals prior to action in this scene starting. Thanks!

Can't use Command Hubert on this one. Actually, trying to keep the French all the way out of the loop at this point (part of the plot would take awhile to explain).

Hey... while I'm thinking about it. What is the SEAL definition of a 'weasle'? I know my def of it (and it's not nice), but both Chuck and Ben seem to have a bit 'more negative' context to that word. Am I missing something?


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