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Well said

Posted by Kelly on 10/7/2005, 9:07:07, in reply to "The disagreement of political beliefs..."
ITA with this statement (even if it does mean my son would have to serve). Citizenship is something that is so easily taken for granted. Madatory service would serve to educate citizens; helping to create a vested interest in the politics of this country. Another benefit of mandatory service, is that it would afford the opportunity to have more leaders who lead from the front, if they have served, they will have been there done that, so maybe, just maybe they would have a better perspective when it comes to entering future wars and conflicts.

You said what I was trying to say in my previous posts, but it got mixed up in the illegal immigrant slant that things had taken, and feeling like I was on the defensive. It's amazing what a good nights sleep and a cup of coffee will do to clear your head.



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