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Re: OK so I am doing a little over thinking this evening!

Posted by tom on 9/30/2005, 23:34:56, in reply to "OK so I am doing a little over thinking this evening!"
Favorite Food? eaten with a friend
Footie Pajamas as a kid? tragically I did not have feet as a kid

When did you stop believing in Santa Claus? when i became him
Apples or Oranges? Nectarines

Do you fish? Fly, fresh water or deep sea?-Deep Sea

Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring and why?fall--it is the season when everything is aligned--we're all dying

Hard wood floors or carpet? HWF

Like yard work or hate yard work? I lived on a boat--would like to do so again---love yard work---tide goes out tide comes in--repeat

Last movie you saw in the theater? hitch hiker guide

Toothpick or dental floss? don't get the question--tooth oicks are use for gouging the guards eyes out and escaping--floss is used for strangline the guard an escaping--so, I mean--I guess floss

And how much do you roll your eyes when you see all these off the wall questions? not at all---


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