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OK, here goes - hard to even type it without thinking moog, double moog

Posted by Janet W. on 9/30/2005, 22:20:01, in reply to "Go for it Janet:) I can't stop laughing:)"
Officer's Staterooms

"With the exception of the captain, all officers share their rooms with one or more other officers. While a lady making a tour of a ship may be asked to inspect these quarters, she must treat them as the communal rooms they are, even if it's her husband's room that interests her particularly. Doors must be left open - even when wives are inspecting the rooms - and congregating must take placae on deck or in the wardroom, not in the individual rooms. Tender moments, if any, aboard a ship are best arranged by your host. He may be "off duty" officially, but he is under constant surveillance while he's on his ship. Don't try to break down his very necessary dignity and decorum."

The mind boggles - the vision of all those tender moments congregating under the helpful supervision of mine kindly host. Janet


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