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Re: In the spirit of Romance...

Posted by Juliet on 9/29/2005, 21:15:32, in reply to "In the spirit of Romance..."
Well, my husband and I went to the same university, sang in the glee club together, and had many of the same friends-- but somehow, we never met! A few years later we both went to work at ETS (yes, *that* ETS, but neither of us had anything to do with the SATs.) I worked on the first floor, he worked on the second, we were in different divisions. Fortunately, the woman I worked with was dating a guy in his division. So he and this guy and some of their friends came to lunch with my friend, me, and one or two other women. Noticed him, thought he was really cute, but didn't get to meet him. Until one day, only he and I came to lunch. We discovered that we also had the same favorite artists (Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Monet, in that order), favorite cities (New York, San Francisco, and Boston), and we both disliked peanut butter and blue cheese. After a couple more long conversations and a memorable dinner (the cornish game hens were still frozen, so we drank most of our bottle of red wine (on top of some champaigne we'd had while still at work) while waiting for them to thaw enough to cook and ended up admiring the very ugly carpet from much closer than I had previously been to it) we decided to find out if we had other tastes in common. We did. It quickly became clear to us that there wasn't going to be anyone else for either of us, so we spent the next five years letting our friends and family get used to the idea and following each other across country while we went back to school for additional qualifications. Twenty years ago, we got married. It's been pretty great so far.


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