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Strange... someone just asked me how I met Jeff just 2 days ago :)

Posted by Carrie on 9/29/2005, 10:53:58, in reply to "In the spirit of Romance..."
My first words ever to Jeff were, "Are you Jeff? Boy, do I feel sorry for you?" And 19 years later, he likes to remind me of that!

Two months into my first year at UW-Stevens Point, 2 friends from Milwaukee came up to visit me. Because we were all underage, we sat in my dorm room drinking, lauging, and just having great girl time. Well, one of my dorm friends (who was raised Baptist and had never drank before) decided this was the time she was going to start. Gindy proceeded to slam 5 beers, one right after the other. Needless to say, Gindy who was normally a happy person to begin with, became a whole lot happier. At one point she looked out my window (I was on the 3rd floor) and she could see directly into a room on the 2nd floor. Here at his desk at 11:00p.m. on a Friday night was this guy studying!! Gindy made it her mission to find out his phone #, easy to do in a dorm. She called him up and starts up a conversation with him. All of sudden I here her say, "There are 5 girls up here. You could have a great time if you came up here!" I'm thinking WTF?!?!? She is giving out my room number to some guy and inviting him to come have a good time w/ 5 girls?!?!? I ended up leaving the room and walking the hallway for a bit. This is where I first met Jeff. He went into my room and I followed shortly.

Turns out Jeff was not some psycho or pervert :) He was this great guy but I thought he had a girlfriend. From this point on, friends and I would be watching t.v. or down doing laundry and JEff would show up. I began to think that maybe he was ready to move on but he never said anything. After Jeff would show up, my friends tended to disappear after a few minutes. We spent hours each night, just talking... Our friendship grew first and progressed from there. My friends would always ask the next a.m. "What time did Jeff leave last night?" It was always midnight, 1:30, 3:00 til finally I said "about 15 minutes ago!" It wasn't until after we were a couple that my friends admitted that they would call Jeff and invite him up to watch t.v. or whatever and then they would leave us alone. I was so naive... had no clue whatsoever! But to this day I owe them a huge thanks!


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