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Tom: A question about the military

Posted by Rose C.P. on 9/28/2005, 14:45:46
So years ago as a Social Worker I did a lot of work in home visits with people with severe health issues. One of the men I worked with was a Vietnam vet with severe heart conditions and PTSD. I did a lot of counseling and was supposed to set him up with med help. He informed me I could not link him up with the VA because his records did not exist and the Army would deny he had ever been in the service. He said he had to sign forms when he was DC'd denying his service. He was a sniper who lived most of his time alone in the jungle doing whatever snipers do but also was sent into Cambodia and Laos for months at a time alone on missions I'm not sure I should even know about. Although he only told me very little .
My questions are , Does the military still have men who do this and are they a special branch of the service or just a few within each force? Could this man have been lying to me, I don't really think so, he had nothing to gain by it. Very humble, quiet, nice guy. Also how can the services get away with not providing for these men after their term was up? Since he was not even in Vietman most of the time, is this even considered related to war? Just some questions I have pondered about him over the years. He really stuck with me in his commitment to our country but in our countries total lack of respect for him. Thanks Rose


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