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Re: Tom...If you're around question Please:)

Posted by tom on 9/27/2005, 18:41:19, in reply to "Tom...If you're around question Please:)"
I don't believe the prototypes are out there yet. There is a concept called Warrior 2025 or something like that that has the BDU basically being a fully integrated bisensoryprotective ectoskeleton--pretty neat concept and some of the stuff has been invented---like shoes that re-charge batteries while you walk. This particular suit is desgined so your bodily needs are read by the food dispensing gismo that automatically adjusts electrolites and such in your food.

Yes, I have had input into the R&D process--except for really obvious things it takes a little long to actually work through R&D (Different than commercial off the shelf (Cots) which is when there is already something out there just not in the military supply system) It is pretty neat though and a lot of people with hundred pound brains working it---can't really discuss anything though--sorry


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