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Ok so in for a penny, in for a pound right??

Posted by Andrea on 9/26/2005, 23:54:56, in reply to "Questions"
Are you still teaching? No I work at home for textbook companies...I do plan on returning when my baby is 5 in 2 years. That's the best part of being a Science teacher, I'm in high demand :)

If so, do you agree with the phrase "dumbing down of society?" Let me see if I can say this right...I believe our society is faster paced and older people associate spending time on things with intelligence. Why is it important to read a newspaper if we can access and read facts faster online? I am astonished at the skill and speed with which students could use a computer and gather information. Do they really need to know how to use a Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature? I think our world has changed so much we cannot apply the older judgments of "dumb" to our current students. They will blow your mind on what they know and what they can do...

For what it's worth, I also don't think kids are any more or less interested or knowledgeable in current events...I was totally clueless until my mid to late 20s. We have a tendency to forget what we actually knew in a given point in time.

Do you believe the education system is improving, staying the same or in a decline? I think we are at a standstill. But I think interest in making it better is rising, hopefully that will push for changes to make it better.

What would you suggest to improve the school system you work in?
Ok and this is just my opinion obviously

1.) Teacher must be accountable and well trained for their subjects. It doesn't even need to be a college degree in that area, but I was appalled at the teachers who were coming to me with questions in science because they were teaching a course they had NEVER taken!

2.) Values need to re-enter the school. And with this I think there needs to be required parental involvement. School is NOT a day care, find out what they are teaching your child! There needs to be an active parent community that leaves parents with a feeling of commitment in their child's education.

3.) Lastly, I think we need to lose the mindset that money will fix everything. I taught in DIME BOX, for those in East Texas they will recognize this tiny school (less than 20 in each graduating class) and lemme tell you these kids were poor! They were also extremely racially diverse. But out of the graduating classes I taught, over 75% went on to get a secondary education, whether a community college, technical school or 4 year university. They had committed families and active students. One graduating class of EIGHT had over $125,000 in scholarships! This was a class where we had only 5 copies of a book I taught so we had to share. I firmly believe desire will beat out money every time....Now how does one teach desire??? :) Another question altogether!


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