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hey Tracy - I agree

Posted by Chris (FL) on 9/26/2005, 20:08:32, in reply to "This probably isn't what people want to hear, but..."
I think you nailed a significant part of the testing dilemma.

Someone earlier mentioned "learning styles" and I believe that is/should be a critical consideration in the testing process.

Some indidivuals can learn and process information in several modalities and others can really only process and retain information well in the modality that is their strength.

However, the critical tests are not offered in multiple styles. So if all the testing is a single style and that is not the students modality of strength, how are they supposed perform at their best levels?

Then the problem compounds when the students are assessed on those scores, as those scores do not accurately reflect their true capabilities, but merely their capablilites within a specific modality.


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