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I only use the smooch when I can't physically reach them

Posted by BarbaraM on 9/26/2005, 14:59:53, in reply to "Hi Barbara M,"
Otherwise, I prefer a good smack on the cheek (or,if male,on the mouth!;>)) Seeing as,being a microbiologist, I worked out that germophobia literally decades ago. LOL!

I'm thrilled with the results of this last knee-part-replacement surgery! Am in no pain for the first time in 6 years. Sat.,while listening to some Marvin Gaye,I decided it was time to take up shaggin' again. (the southern kind--not british--never had to give that up!Thank God!)

I do SO hope you will be able to make it to Atlanta next July! I know! You can pick up Mirm on the way down--I'll even send some gas money.OR, you could fly into Greenville-Spartanburg airport and Mirm could pick you up from there and ya'll could drive on to Atlanta. OR, I could pick you up at Hartsfield and take you to the hotel.


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Contact Donna if questions or concerns.