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oo, ohhh , ohhh , 2 more thing?

Posted by angela (from DC) on 9/26/2005, 12:09:56, in reply to "Good morning Tom , my furry boo, 2 quick questions if I may: "
1-From the book(S) by Dick Couch, I am under the impression that SEALs do not wear their tridents and other "pins" on their BDU's. So how does anybody "know" uze is you? Or am I confused. This goes to the whole "special & unique cultures " as recognized by the dominant culture, the regular navy.

2-Can email Dr.Lockett. If so how??? I have found in my experience with academics and medical researchers email is the best way to get a positve response and can I say you sent me???

double smooches.

(means you angle shoulders to each side of person)


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