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Where to even begin...

Posted by Andrea on 9/25/2005, 16:45:08, in reply to "What not automatically right?"
Ok this is not a dissertation on the current state of the education system.

Quite frankly I believe students, parents, teachers, administrators, and lawmakers are all in general failing when it comes to education (and are there some trying of course...but I'm talking the whole system here) That's not what I'm trying to address.

I'm trying to take one aspect of our failing system (civics and government) and trying to figure out how we can move forward . I'm not trying to worry about those who will never care, I want to get to the root of it. I want to get to the ones who would LIKE to care, but just don't have the time and energy to root through the crap to get to the nut of the matter.

Do some people just not care (Of Course!), but should we just give up? Should we just sit on the sidelines and say well they won't care if we try, so let's not try?

And as with most circular logic you end up right where you begin. WHY do people not care? I mean where do they get this idea? It wasn't always like this! Why do so many feel that since this is the way things have been, this is the way things will always be?

I have several ideas about how we can move forward. I have experience in the education system, so yes I have knowledge of the politics and the process. I have several ideas on HOW to get it done, but very few on WHAT TO SAY. That is where I need help.

I will say this though...it's not about being well-funded, it's about being well-commited. Money helps, but in education time and again, throwing money at the issue is not the answer. What is needed is a body of commited professionals and volunteers who are willing to give it their all.

And as for hidden agendas in teaching civics...that's where funding gets skewed. All PACs and lobbyists have agendas and any funding will be required to slant. That's why I think this needs to be low-budget, so then it is low-obligations. Why can we not teach basic facts and reasons for political interest and activity without getting down to parties and interests?


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