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Okay, bottom Line Question/why is noone Questioning this?

Posted by Brenda/qmih on 9/24/2005, 16:15:05, in reply to "Stacey B.....do you think you could get your Bro. to "
ha! How's that:)
I am going to make a GIANT leap here....let's go from LA to the USA after 9/11....so we have everyone running around...spin doctors spinning...yada yada yada:) And what happens...there is enough Unrest that G.W. Bush decides he is going to make this new office called "Homeland Security" and who is he going to appoint to run it/ (she throws head back and laughs) Gov. Ridge of PA....yippee skippee scouts, someone is doing something....BUT did any of the someones it was being done TO stop and say WHAT????? What exactly is this Office going to do/what will it be in charge of/what will its long-term function be/what kind of power does it ultimately hold/who is this man/and his qualifications that is being appointed to run it........nope...because we did what the terrorist wanted....they pushed us into making snap decisions that are now having long term consequences:
Example: remember last week when Aly told us the story about Breaden being taken from her in the airport? and what happened to Aly? She ended up cuffed/and like she said...what/where would she have been if the National Guardsman hadn't spoken up?????? Probably in jail while her baby was put into foster care....now when Aly told the story we all made sympathetic noices etc.....but did you stop and think of the pure terror she must have felt????? Who is responsible for that terror....well, you might say the lady that yanked Braedan out of aly's arms....but I am saying it is us(the majority)....'cause we REACTED to terror Bob's attack on the county instead of ACTING against Terror Bob's attack on the country....NO ONE stood up and said what/why/who.....no one said "no, Hell no"....and by not standing up and asking for an explination we ended up with people like Aly standing in an airport queue in hand cuffs while her baby is taken away..../do you think it bothers Terror Bob that Aly was treated like that? HAHAHHA, nope Terror Bob got what he wanted, happy dance all around. Do you think it bothers Aly??? Hell Yeah! Will she hesitate the next time she has to take a flight? I don't know...but I think I would...(aside: this isn't the first time I have heard of this happening)

So now back to LA....we have this law that says if there is a state of emergency we can do XYZ...you may not do anything but give up...how did that happen? No one stood up and said "no, Hell no"...I don't know what Plato would say about this but....I think if you have the minority(the people who were shooting) having such a huge influence on the majority(the none shooters)there is something wrong....

and now for a quote: heheheh "none are so enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free: Goethe..

and another "don't give me a quote...tell me what you know"


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