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Re: Tom,,,,,about Waller/Commandos..

Posted by tom on 9/23/2005, 22:51:21, in reply to "Tom,,,,,about Waller/Commandos.."
It takes a minimum of a week to get orders, sometimes several--so when I was going through all the DORs were in the thrid floor of the old barracks on the BUDS compound--they were back in dungarees instead of greens and you simply didn't recognize there existence--certainly not int the BUDS area

and Waller also says he only slept for 16 hours (that big pansy;) during Hell Week.....did he spend his time with the instructors or getting in your face? DOug was great--I got called into the CO's office Sunday that Hellweek was to start. It was then Captain, Later Admiral, Richards. I knocked, got the gruff enter--now, mind you--nothing good happens when the class leader gets called to see the CO--so I know something bad is up. Richards says, "Rancich, meet Mr. Waller. Mr. Waller is going to follow you through Hellweek. You'll give him whatever he wants and you'll make sure he doesn't get hurt" "Sir, I've got a few things going on" "And now you have one more dammit--dismissed" So off I go with Waller in tow. ANyway, he sat the boat crew down and told us what he was doing, told us he would keep the same schedule and told us if he did anything no matter how slight to bother us, let him know immediately. Doug and I talked for about two hours and then I went into Hellweek preps. so break out occurs and I don't remeber seeing Doug until the next morning at breakfast when he came up to the table and just sat down and said "wow"--anyway, the three things I remeber other than the rock in the shoe story--which was sooooo pathetically transparent--was him coming out in a wet suit to do surf passage in the IBS--we started laughing--he was like, "I am going to paddle out with you what do you want me to do?" Just sit in the middle of theboat and don't do anything--He did, and we made it out and back just fine. About Wednesday he comes up and very conspiritorily says "Guys, I just wanted you to know that I've been sleeping while you are out" "Huh?" "Well, I didn't want you to think that you weren't doing good just because you're more tired than me" "Huh?--you look familiar..." and I think on Thursday he says," I don't want to psyche you out or anything (its Thursday what psych?)--I am just curious--can you smell yourselves?" "Huh?--you look familiar..."

I was never on that side of it so I don't know if it was scientific--it was very controlled and there was always a MD on scene and lots of instructors for both control and safety.

Which one are you in the log picture? Maybe the one with "Rancich" on his name tag?


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