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Minority Rule...

Posted by Andrea on 9/23/2005, 16:12:04, in reply to "Tom - I think you killed my brain"
Is actually the fact of life in America. The minority that vote and yield political pressure are the ones that are swaying politicans to their side.

I think that more Americans are waking up to the fact that in many cases less than 50% of the country (and their states) are making legislative decisions for them because those few are wielding their one political power, their vote. As evidenced by the amount of people who showed up to vote in 2004 both for and against the president. Let's see if this becomes a trend or just an anomaly.

I do disagree in reality with your statement that The balance of power is delicate, in that the power is based in the people. Because one branch of government gave itself superiotiry though Marbury vs. Madison and to date the people and neither other branch of government is willing to say...hold on a second here, you guys jsut gave YOURSELVES more power and upset the bablance of the courts! Not to mention this branch is not appointed by the people or held accountable in any way for their decisions.

In thoery, yes there should be a balance, but there isn't.


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