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Re: Tom, we have a few questions for you if you have the time...

Posted by tom on 9/22/2005, 7:52:59, in reply to "Tom, we have a few questions for you if you have the time..."
Not to nit pick, but the three options are courses of action (COAs) not plans. Each COA is separate and distinct. The plan is built around the selected COA. The plan will then have contingencies built in. Usually at least three contingencies for each phase of the operation.
In training you are almost always forced into contingency plans. At least once during workups you will have your plan stressed to the breaking point—i.e. everything goes wrong and all contingencies are being excersied, usual with the headshed “dead” or other wise removed from the operation. These will include putting people on escape and evasion.
No, though I didn’t mind GI Jane and Tears of the Sun
Not really. Of course you develop long term relationships and become close to some of the guys, but it isn’t automatic. It is probably similar statistically to any other job. That said, you do automatically trust other SEALs more than other people and it is very much a brotherhood. “My guys” however, I do consider to be mine forever—if they ever need anything, they know they can call on me.
There are specialties that do not rotate—the breachers will always be breachers the snipers always snipers. When setting up the mission, the relative strengths and needs are weighed and people placed appropriately. So if you need the best sniper and might need a breacher, you’ll pick your sniper first. Within the rank structure, the jobs are consistent. So, even if your Leading Chief is the best breacher, he will likely never will be the breacher because he is needed as a squad/team leader.


Temporarily archived without permission from Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board.
Contact Donna if questions or concerns.