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Disclaimer , Again ! - must be the full moon

Posted by Chris (FL) on 9/18/2005, 11:14:10, in reply to "Tom - Curiouser and Curiouser"
I thought perhaps I should clarify my question and hopefully save people time and effort,as the question was never about "truth", nor "God" (please see my clarification to Donna) and was merely a "what do you think question?" for Tom.

As Tom is found of the question "what do you think?" I believed turnabout was fair play.

More succinctly,my question was "How did Tom reconcile from his perspective mass consciousness within his belief system (which he had discussed 2 weeks prior). Apparently, I unknowingly stepped on a land mine which of course was not ever my intention. Moreover the first paragraph of Tom's response was all that was necessary for me. I just wanted to be certain since there seems to be misunderstandings that this was not about "God" , anyone's "truth" or "religion" ,but simply about one man's perspective.


Temporarily archived without permission from Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board.
Contact Donna if questions or concerns.