Temporary Archive: Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board

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I wouldn't trust me but

Posted by tom on 9/14/2005, 13:55:25, in reply to "Hey Natalia, Tom are anybody, need school help ...DESPERATE, due at 5pm EST...."
1. Any process in project management field needs three of the following to be completed, what are they? (Place a check mark in the space provided beside your answer/s)
[x ] One or more input/s

[x ] processing components

[ x] One or more output/s

[ ] Tools and techniques

[ ] Goals and objectives

5. What is the other name for the constraints optimization method? Could be scheduling

8. What is the other name for benefit measurement method? Could be orgasm--probably not though

19. Why should initial project requirements be included in the project charter? If you don't know the requirments, how can you build a project process that meets them--oops, dang socrates


Temporarily archived without permission from Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board.
Contact Donna if questions or concerns.