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Tom, question about SERE

Posted by Donna on 9/11/2005, 21:14:02
You've mentioned G.I. Jane a few times. One part of that film continues to bother me. I've done some research and I know that SERE training exists, but I have real doubts about whether the POW simulations are as vicious as the film portrays -- both the torture of Flea with his injured knee and of course the beating of Lt O'Neil by the master chief.

I've read articles mentioning a couple incidents where SERE POW got out of hand -- specifically one a simulated rape and one where a woman was beaten unconscious. But I can't believe this is the norm?

So I ask you, do you know of any SERE training for SEALs or other operators that are that violent or abusive? Or was this just movie exaggeration?

Thanks again, Tom


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