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OK , my furry widdle SEAL-boo, here comes the ?

Posted by angela(from DC) on 9/9/2005, 18:09:26, in reply to "Why "
***Mrs Cleaver***

You said if I may paraphrase from memory" that the only diffenence your wife has in been married to a SEAL instead of Marine-demo guy is finding bullets in the wash".

Q: Do you think that is maybe the perception she wants you to have? From my limited interaction with wives ,which I am not, not only do the pocess maternal feelings for their children, but also their husbands. Worryng about you being in danger may not be productive, but going from a danger quotient of SOME of the time for a demo guy to assuredly MOST of the time for a SEAL is a rather big jump and had to have some effect on her?

**BUD/s Best Bud***

You mentioned you had been married 5 yrs before you went thru BUD/s
Q: Do you ever think that your wife might have been afraid of how you might change IF you didn't make it. And how she could support you in your disappointment? No matter how much faith she had in you she had to be prepared just in case.

***Skank-hodar aka Kiki the porn star***

I work in a teaching hopital and women come from far and wide just to date( euphemism), marry a trauma/cardiac/neuro surgeon. They don't are if he is married or has a dirty turtle-neck

Q: I am sure your wife knows its up to you to if you chose not to honor your vows, but it had to be a little annoying to know/accept that being a SEAL put you on the top of the skank-ho radar for all the Kikki's of the world. And I've known my share and they are vicious in their pursuit.

I promised to play nice but I didn't say anything about not playing hard.



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