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Reality 101

Posted by Sheri on 9/6/2005, 21:32:56, in reply to "Rant on Time space continuum, Navy SEALs and myths"
Rule #1 - the floor is dirty and has been for a while. It gets the central vac treatment usually once/day - quickly just cause it get the crumbs out of the living room carpet and the mud out of the mudroom at the same time.

Rule #2 - Spiders are housepets.

Rule #3 - I have a plaque my Mom gave me - "Dust is a country accent". And that's the truth.

Rule #4 - as told by a woman from my inlaws church many yrs older than I... During the summer your kitchen and bathroom need to be clean. The rest can wait for winter.

Rule #5 - someday I'll get all the dang weeds out of the garden and flowerbeds. They may freeze first.

Rule #6 - the laundry machine runs by itself in the middle of the night. And the dryer the next day... putting it away?? You're talking about drawers right... not the basket??

I tried until June 2005 to play Super Mom. My bp went up - it's down but not low, my nerves were shot, I wasn't sleeping properly, my kids were as fried as I was, I hate doing therapy.... so I quit. For the summer. They house is cleanish, the weeds are in the garden, my potatoes under them :) And it's now the day after Labour Day and we're back to work. So far.... Gr1 is manageable and we got into the Intensive therapy program.

Going to do it again next summer. And go to California and see Tracy Y and whoever else shows up.

And if the hubby complains - show him where the cleaning supplies are. Amazing how they stop complaining in a hurry :)



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