Temporary Archive: Suzanne Brockmann's Message Board

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oh sure the first sign of tears you get out the shovel and try diggin out....

Posted by Brenda~QMIH~ on 9/5/2005, 23:25:42, in reply to "I din't say it was a bad thing"
sniff sniff...anyone have a tissue...sob sob....and a shoulder to cry on...I'm okay really

I'll just eat all these cookies myself gain 5 pounds/rot my teeth out/poke myself in the eye with my chopsticks and probably have Mr. chuckie thinking I am fruit loop....its' okay...I can take it...if my lower lip would just quit tttrreemmmbbbbling...although, if you have any single good-looking male semi-ingelligent funny friends....I might feel better....???? course now they won't want me 'cause you will tell them I am not right.........wwwwwwwhhhhhhaaaa


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