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Okay, I am going to butt in here on my own behalf:)

Posted by Brenda~QMIH~ on 9/4/2005, 21:26:44, in reply to "okay ladies...help me....and random ramblings to follow.....:)"
here's my thoughts underneath the gross out factor...(which, let me tell ya, I never even went there)
1) they are running around the streets normally
2) as far as I can tell there is no other adults that come out and do anything with them
3) I could be making a very strong impression on them in a positive sense: i.e.: here is a strong female figure who isn't afraid to actually talk to me like I am a human being...she is actually taking the time to teach me something....in other words: positive reinforcement
4) I have never done anything inappropriate and I never will
5) it is creepying me out big time to think that they are thinking any thing creepy:)


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