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Re: SEALs, victims and the rest of us

Posted by Tracy Y on 9/4/2005, 18:50:50, in reply to "SEALs, victims and the rest of us"
Hi Donna,

In response to how the hurrican victims can reclaim their lives and their emotional strength and sense of security...I think that comes from within.

Bad shit happens all the time. We can't stop that. But we can control how we handle it.

Having been through some major personal crap, I can say, with one hundred percent certainty, that I expect more crap in my life. But I'm grateful every day that my life is as good as it is.

Once you live through something horrible, you always expect something to happen again. But you can overcome your fear and enjoy life. Take advantage of all that we DO have.

Maybe the bad stuff, by contrast, makes the good stuff better? I'm not saying the thoughts, fears, sometimes flashbacks, or whatever, never hit you. But when they do, you can look inward and realize how much is great in your life.

And I think it takes time, too. Time aids in healing a lot!

Sorry for the ramblings. I don't even know if I made any sense.

My heart goes out to those that are suffering.

Take care,


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