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Re: Or how about this....

Posted by Brenda~QMIH` on 9/3/2005, 23:03:45, in reply to "Or how about this...."
Ole Dodger was ticked...they had
camped in his house
we didn't know what to think
good old Mable and spouse

Just how did they fit
down that chimney of Dodger's?
after all I says It's no bigger
than a louse...(oh that is so bad)

they were dressed all in black
from their heads to their toes
so I turns to my dear one, and
I says, Dear Mable, Dear Mable
oh what can that be...

And laying a finger upside of
her nose...she says to me
Charlie you big ole dumb souse
that's obviously, obviously
some great big weird...


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